Blog Archives

The Royal Oak – Bovingdon Green

I’m sad to publish this email from RSK Leisure: –

The Royal Oak back in 2000‘On Monday 16th April, we ceased to trade at the pub, following a breakdown in our relationship with our new Landlord – it became apparent, almost from the day he bought the Freehold, that our time at the pub could be limited. The Landlord has effectively managed us out of our business, through implementing more obscure aspects of the lease. We only took the decision to cut our losses and move on last weekend, and leave behind some amazing memories of our time at the pub.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your custom, and wish you well for the future.
Sel & Rob’

Can anybody list all the previous Landlord/ladys since the WWII?


Moores Sport Relief Motorcycle show

If you were at Sainsburys in Apsley on Friday you may have been wondering what a young girl was doing sitting on a motorcycle outside the front door.  All part of the Sports Relief Charity.

Fed up with congestion, dead time and wallet busting fuel prices?

Moores can make your travels fun, reliable and thrifty with our great range of bikes and scooters, making your travels enjoyable and helping you do what YOU want to do with your time rather than what you don’t!

With over 100mpg on these models, road tax at £16 and insurance deals on most Yamahas from 50cc to 125cc, call us today you’ll be pleased you did.

Moores Motorcycle Promotion Apsley 2012

Moores Motorcycle Promotion Apsley 2012

Moore’s of Hemel Hempstead who have been trading at their current Apsley site in Hertfordshire since 1936, were promoting how much better off you could be on two wheels.

Visit the ‘Geton’ site at  or speak directly to someone at Moores on 01442 252601.

Beacon Riders Ltd (DSA Approved) who have been instructing motorcycle training alongside with Moore’s for over 30 years –  were also there to help with information on training and licensing requirements.

Visit for more information or ring the office 01442 213201 or Mike on 07887 751 876.

The young lady incidentally was the lovely Aurora Galore, Performance and Burlesque Artist and Alternative Model. See more of her at .

Pie and Ale Week – Cricketers

I’m really pleased to say that the gentle refurbishment in October to take us back to our roots as a classic village pub has borne fruit, and reactions have been really positive.

Our forthcoming Pie and Ale Week runs from Friday 23rd March to Sunday 1st April. The pie menu, which runs alongside our normal menu, features ten different pies, complemented by eight different cask ales to tickle your fancy over the week, five of which are available at any one time. And don’t forget, to keep our locals happy we have reduced prices for beer and wine on weekdays between 5pm and 7pm.

Just two other quick things: Mother’s Day on March 18th is already looking popular, and our new head chef, Justin Hetherington, has introduced a new set menu, with two courses for £13.95 and three courses for £16.95, which is proving very popular with our ladies who lunch.

Bookings are going well, especially towards weekends, so if you’d like to book a table please get in touch on 01923 270 877.  I do hope to see you soon.

David and the Cricketers’ crew

John Glenn’s Space Legacy in Bovingdon

Fifty years ago Monday (Feb. 20), John Glenn (now 90 years old)  made history by circling the Earth three times.






He wasn’t the first person in space, nor the first American. He wasn’t even the first person to orbit the planet. But Glenn’s five-hour flight onboard Friendship 7 set him apart from the space travelers who launched before him and established a lasting legacy that outshone many of those who followed.



How many I wonder can remember the visit of Friendship 7 to the USSA airbase in Bovingdon a few months later in May 1962.




Herb Friedland sent me this pictures of his stay in Bovingdon back in the early ’60s which includes many pictures of their stay in Bovingdon Airfield.





Also an intesting picture of Herbie’s Fiat 500? Anyone knows who owned it?

Post or Tweet if you know!

Royal Oak January Sale

Happy New Year to you, our loyal customers – we sincerely hope you and your family had a great time over the festive period.

We are all aware that January is a tough month, following the excesses of Christmas & New Year, which is why, the team at the Royal Oak is pleased to present their January Sale Menu!!

Throughout the month, you can enjoy a selection of excellent Homemade Meals for less than £10 each, including our amazing Fish & Chips, Burger, Cumberland Sausages & Mash and our excellent Seafood Pie! – In addition, our log fires are roaring, wines & beers are well stocked, and our team are on hand to serve you; so what are you waiting for?? During January we will be also issuing Wine Vouchers for February, and the return of our FREE Wine Offer……………numbers are limited so don’t delay!